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Give yourself the gift of time and space to pause - to check your mirrors - before continuing down the path you're on. During this workshop, we'll begin the process of getting clear about where we are, where we've been, what we've learned, and how we wish to use all of that in the moments, or chapters of our lives. Journey flags are about both reflection and reminder - and always about simply being present. (interested and want to influence the scheduling of the next Journey Flags Workshop? click here)
for kids & adults. We'll talk about peace - what it is, how we find it, how we help spread it; we'll create colorful flags to hang at home to send into the universe our wishes for peace and to remind us daily of our commitments to it. Pizza and non-alcoholic beverages included. Reservations required. (interested? click here now. still time to influence scheduling!)
CAMPFIRE GIRLS - monthly gatherings around the campfire for sharing our stories, thoughts, and wisdom with one another. It's airport conversation with a facilitator! NOW ORGANIZING! INTERESTED? LET ME KNOW!
WRITE NIGHTS - readings and sharing among folks who write and those who don't yet but might want to.
MORNING MUSE & MEDITATION - a mix of meditation and prompt based writing or drawing/sketching. All are welcome.