Why "JustJillToday"?In the Spring of 2010, I made a big decision.
I decided the life I was living was not the life I wanted. And after more than a little worry, consideration, deep breathing, and infusion of bravery from I don't know where, I quit my job, put most of my things in storage, loaded my Jeep, and set off for what I quickly came to think of as a 'mid-life reassessment journey.' I had only the vaguest agenda (head west), and no idea where all this would lead me. But I knew, that at least for a while, I didn't want any titles - no Director of this or that, no definition of myself by the work I did or relationship status. I wanted to be Just Jill. AND, I was ready to work at breaking that habit of mind that has so many of us alternating between rehashing the past and worrying about the future. I wanted to be fully present - to see and engage with what was right in front of me, in this moment - JustJillToday And so I am, and so it is, JustJillToday |
It's been a long (7 year anniversary coming up!) and interesting journey. I'm eager to talk about it (and write about it) now - what I've seen and done, what I've learned, the twists and turns, shifts in seeing (my own and other people's). AND, I'm eager to launch the next chapter - the one that includes
So, sign up for my email list, bookmark this page, like JustJillToday on facebook, and if you're on Cape Cod, come visit me at the APP Space: a place for Art, Philosophy, and Practice (oh, you 'like' the APP Space on facebook too!) If you have a question, would like to talk about project, need help you think I might be able to offer (commissioned words & images, copywriting, communication, mindfulness, or assessment for improvement workshop or protocol), feel free to contact me! Be well! |