PHASE II - a Road Trip with LEONARD
Here are the highlights (more detail about what we'll actually do on the road?):
1. A Linked thru Leonard mobile unit (mock up pictured) 2. A drive around the country visiting with people who ARE Linked thru Leonard - to talk about the Leonard experience, connection, and peace. 3. Handwritten letters personally delivered by yours truly from one person linked thru Leonard to another. (a "Chain-linked-thru-leonard-Letter") 4. A chronicle of the journey and a shareable product (book? blog? video?) |
If you love this vision, would like to be part of this project, and want to help Phase II: a Road Trip with Leonard actually get on the road, here are a few things you can do:
- If you're not already, Get LINKED thru LEONARD now! Available in wide variety of forms - and something for any budget! (see options*). BUT REMEMBER, LEONARD is not just a purchase, he's a commitment! (review commitment)
- If you are ALREADY LINKED, complete the I'm Linked Form here.
- Get your friends, family, and neighbors LINKED. (view options now*)
- Use LEONARD for your next fundraising event/project and help two causes at once - your cause AND Phase II of the Leonard Project*) (inquiry for fundraising options)
and this might be the biggie...
If just the right person got behind the project, maybe PHASE II could get the kind of support and traction it needs to be feasible. So...
who's the one celebrity who has demonstrated
who's the one celebrity who has demonstrated
- COMPASSION, and encourages it in others,
- has herself bravely swam against the stream, AND
- is just QUIRKY and PLAYFUL enough that she might actually FALL FOR LEONARD and get behind this project?
Here's a picture of Laurie, the kind postal worker at the Dennis Post Office on Cape Cod, right after she affixed the $50 postage to the 24"x 36" canvas print of LEONARD.
To the back of the canvas I attached the story, project details, a map of the places he already lives, and a few photos folks have sent from different places attached.
And just in case some of her friends, or people who work on her set, wanted to get LINKED too, I included a 10pk of LEONARD stickers.
I haven't heard anything from ELLEN. But she's busy, so I'm not concerned yet. Surely I will. Won't I?
If ELLEN got on board, maybe she could get:
- an auto company to provide the LINKED thru LEONARD Mobile Unit;
- a hospitality company to underwrite accommodations from time to time while we're on the road;
- an airline to help with a ticket when the time comes to take the project overseas.
AND maybe she'd like to have...
- a periodic LEONARD segment/check-in from the road. You know, me, LEONARD, and the latest person to become LINKED thru LEONARD in the name of world peace!
If you would LOVE to see LEONARD get ELLEN's attention, click this link and let her know!
If you are LINKED thru LEONARD, send ELLEN a photo of the two of you, let her know that if she's talking to LEONARD at least once each week, YOU are LINKED to HER thru LEONARD!
You might want to tell her where you met LEONARD, something you may know and me and LEONARD, or ... I don't know, whatever you think might inspire her to help get PHASE II: A Road Trip with LEONARD (connecting for peace) off and running!
Tell ELLEN you'd love to see a LEONARD SEGMENT on her show now.
And WHO KNOWS, if ENOUGH people encourage her,
tell her they BELIEVE LEONARD needs to take to the road,
tell her they BELIEVE this project really CAN help cultivate connection, compassion, clear-seeing, and creativity - all of which would lead to greater peace...\
tell her they BELIEVE LEONARD needs to take to the road,
tell her they BELIEVE this project really CAN help cultivate connection, compassion, clear-seeing, and creativity - all of which would lead to greater peace...\
- Call me and LEONARD up;
- Invite us out there;
- Hand over keys to a LINKED thru LEONARD mobile unit;
- Endorse LEONARD and as a result, encourage someone else to sponsor PHASE II;
- Get behind the idea of a weekly 'call in' from the road, and next year at this time.
Just think, NEXT YEAR at this time, will COULD BE WATCHING LEONARD-SEGMENTS on The Ellen Show!
Improbable? Perhaps. Impossible? No.
So come on...send the email. Help make the improbable a reality!
Let's get LEONARD on the ROAD for WORLD PEACE!
Oh, and did I mention Ellen's birthday was January 26th, Mary Tyler Moore died the 25th, and the one Ellen episode from Ellen's old sitcom in which a lobster had a central role, Mary Tyler Moore GUEST STARRED. Surely, it's sign!
(Watch The Lobster Diary - Season 3, Episode 18)
Improbable? Perhaps. Impossible? No.
So come on...send the email. Help make the improbable a reality!
Let's get LEONARD on the ROAD for WORLD PEACE!
Oh, and did I mention Ellen's birthday was January 26th, Mary Tyler Moore died the 25th, and the one Ellen episode from Ellen's old sitcom in which a lobster had a central role, Mary Tyler Moore GUEST STARRED. Surely, it's sign!
(Watch The Lobster Diary - Season 3, Episode 18)